Blaster Master Wiki

Top View Boss Mechanics[]

I was trying to generate shots-to-kill values for non-Destroyer Venom Master, but ended up producing some values which do not match up perfectly with the damage dealt to non-bosses. Here are my rough notes from fights in Unlimited Mode (which has the same enemy stats as Normal Mode):

UL Venom Master: ~160 Blaster, ~160 Long Range?, ~19 Diffusion close [weak], ~38 Diffusion far [weak], 80 Striker, ~30 perfect Reflect, ~75 standard Reflect (estimated), ~120 3-Wave, ~270 1-Wave, ~160 Flame hits/DoT ticks, ~160 Penetrator

Notice how Blaster, which normally deals half the damage of Long Range and Penetrator, still manages to take down Venom Master in about the same number of hits. (I fudged some non-Striker numbers as I was not able to keep an accurate count on some tests, so verify these shot counts first before you post them on a main page.)

In short, top view bosses seem to take damage differently not only from Sub-weapons (which are already known to generally deal double damage to bosses), but also from Gun attacks. Has anyone else concluded as much from their own fights against bosses? QuaestComm (talk) 00:00, 30 April 2021 (UTC)

Some weird stuff goes on with some of the top-down view bosses. I first noticed this against Crabularva and Crabullus. For most of the game, Long Range and Penetrator have required the same number of hits to kill an enemy, excluding obvious weakness differences. In the fight against Crabularva, though, Penetrator only requires half the amount of shots as Long Range, despite no weakness effect. This is compounded in the fight against Crabullus; Crabullus is noticeably weak to Penetrator, but this time it takes only a fourth the amount of shots as Long Range. Flame and Auto (when they're manually tested) have also had some strange values every so often. And Diffusion is now a mess, in my opinion. I originally thought the ratio for long range and close range shots was 2. However, against the Drap Trappers, it appeared that wasn't the case, and that it was a ratio of 2.5. However, Mother Brain has muddied this up, making the ratio presumably 100:38, or roughly 2.63 (Diffusion's far range damage has been assumed to have the same value as Long Range). Crabullus hasn't helped, with a presumed ratio of 120:44, or roughly 2.73. So yes, there seems to be some situations where a Gun is more effective than normal, but it's sometimes difficult to make sense of, especially without data mining or debug tools. Iqskirby (talk) 02:04, 30 April 2021 (UTC)